My Process


I use a technique of glassblowing called flameworking or lampworking. This technique involves using a torch to melt glass tubes and rods together and then blowing, twisting, and pulling them to acquire desired shapes.

The glass that is used is Borosilicate or Pyrex glass. Borosilicate melts at a higher temperature than most of the glasses traditionally used for glass blowing and therefore needs to be worked on a hotter torch (between 1000 and 2000 °F).


For coloration, I use colored glass rods, colored glass frit, as well as silver and gold fume.

The term “frit” refers to granular crushed glass, picked up into the molten glass, and given a swirl. I make all my own custom frit blends. 

Create your own custom Frit Twist Bottle Top, here.

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After the desired shape is made, the glass goes into a heated kiln and will cool for 1 hour and slowly be brought down to room temperature over 6 hours. 

The recent technological developments in lamp-working equipment and materials have allowed me to pioneer new techniques and create bold original works that would have been impossible to create in years past. All of my hand-blown creations are truly one of a kind. Each piece possesses its own individual style and beauty ranging from elegant to whimsical.


“Glass blowing is very Zen. You can not force the glass to heat up quicker or to cool down more rapidly. You truly must go with the flow, dance with the glass, be patient and gentle. “